Academy Council Vacancy for an Elected Parent

 Vacancy for an Elected Parent Academy Council Member at Stratton School

Stratton School are looking to recruit Parent Members of the Stratton School Council.  The Academy Council is responsible for local governance of the school. 

This Academy Council’s role is to:

 1.     Promote the mission and values of the school within the overall Meridian Trust vision to provide high quality education for all at the heart of the local community   

2.     Support and challenge the Headteacher and school leaders and act as a critical friend

3.     Contribute to the development of strategic priorities and plans for the academy

4.     Ensure effective mechanisms are in place to safeguard all pupils  

5.     Monitor standards within the academy including pupil progress and attainment.

6.     Ensure trust policies are implemented and monitor their impact

7.     Engage with key stakeholders to improve outcomes for students

8.     Ensure that Quality Assurance procedures are effective and moderated.

9.     Monitor budgets and help ensure value for money

10. Monitor student attendance, well-being and preparation for their futures and views by analysing a range of data

The Academy Council plays a strategic role and is not involved in operations.  Parent Academy Council Members contribute with their experience as parents of children at the academy and other skills they have.  The role is voluntary and it is not representative.  The commitment at a minimum is attending 5 to 6 meetings a year, with some preparation before and taking on a Champion role in a key area such as student welfare and safeguarding, curriculum and achievement, student experience and others. 

 Advice and training are available.   

Anyone who has parental responsibility for any pupil at the school at the time of the election can self-nominate to become a Parent Academy Council Member, stand for election and can vote in the election. A parent who works for the school for 500 hours or more is not eligible to stand for election but they are permitted to vote.  The term of office for an Elected Parent Academy Council Member is 4 years.  All appointments are subject to references and an enhanced DBS check.


If you are interested in becoming a Parent Academy Council Member at Stratton School, please complete the self-nomination form (below) and return to the school office by 8th November.

 On 12th November we will contact all who have expressed interest about next steps and hold elections if needed. 

If you would like more information about the governance structure of Meridian Trust, please see

Thank you for your interest.




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