Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) At Stratton School, we believe it is crucial that all students should have access to ‘real world and relevant learning’. We understand that careers information is critical for students when they come to making the best possible decisions, next steps and future career choices. The careers programme is intended to be flexible and adaptable as further opportunities become available. We have a dedicated team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can help, support and teach students about the choices available. Our aim is to make sure that every student achieves their full potential.
Our Career Team
If you would like any information, or have any questions on our careers provision, please contact us via the below.
Angela Manley - Careers Leader and Advisor
Tel: 01767 220000
Rob Clarke - Assistant Principal and CEIAG Responsibility post 16
Tel: 01767 220000
Joe York - Senior Tutor and Year 10 Work Experience Coordinator
Tel: 01767 220000
Kath Emsley - Administrator and Year 12 Work Experience Coordinator
Tel: 01767 220000
Angela Fisher - Head of Business, Finance & Economics and Enterprise Lead
Tel: 01767 220000
Our Career team is supported by a serving Academy Councillor TBC who can be contacted by e-mailing through the Principal’s PA
Our school is part of Meridian Trust and we work collaboratively with other schools in the Trust to offer a website which has been developed for parents and carers: Meridian Career Pathways
We know, from research, that students ask their parents first about careers, qualifications, what it is like in the workplace and what they should study.
The educational and qualification landscape has changed dramatically over recent years. This website has been designed to help parents with ‘Activities’, ‘Conversation Starters’ and ‘Useful Websites’ and is designed to offer help and support at every stage of a student’s journey through a Meridian Trust school.
Careers Strategy at Stratton School
Stratton School believes in giving further education, higher education and training providers the opportunity to talk to students at the school. Please find our Provider Access Legislation below.
Please also find below an overview of our careers programme for all year groups and a copy of our CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) policy.
Our vision
High quality careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) is of huge importance to students, in all years, as they are prepared for the world outside of the school walls. We recognise the importance of this and it underpins our vision for CEIAG at Stratton School.
This strategy sets out a clear plan on how we intend to work towards meeting our vision in the short and longer term and should be read in conjunction with the Meridian ‘Careers Education, Information and Guidance’ procedures document that can be found at: Meridian-Trust-Careers-Education-Information-Advice-and-Guidance-procedures-2023.pdf
• To deliver high quality careers education that exceeds the provision required for the 8 benchmarks for good career guidance as identified by the Gatsby Foundation
• To work towards submitting a successful application for the ‘Quality in Careers Standard’ accreditation, the nationally recognised award for CEIAG in English Secondary School
Stratton School has a statutory responsibility for securing access to CEIAG for all pupils in years 8-11 and post 16. We feel strongly that this should be extended to year 7. The purpose of the CEIAG is intended to assist pupils to make and implement education, training and occupation choices and to learn how to prepare for the workplace and their careers. Careers guidance must include information on all 16-18 education or training options, including Apprenticeships and T-Levels. Most people spend many years of their life in a working environment and it is important to equip our students with the necessary skills for them to career plan and know how and where to access impartial and unbiased information.
Stratton School has strong links with outside agencies and is working to foster further links with universities and colleges and local businesses which contribute to:
• Raising aspirations and increasing motivation – helping young people to identify educational and occupational goals
• Demonstrating the relevance of the knowledge and the skills learnt in subjects to future opportunities in learning and working
• Developing the skills for effective learning – reviewing achievements, setting targets, planning and taking action
• Demonstrating the links between living, learning and earning • Improving literacy – developing information and communication skills • Improving progression
• Reducing NEET (not in Education, Employment or Training)
• Careers work also supports strategies for student’s personal and social development by:
✓Building self-confidence and self-reliance
✓ Promoting positive and informed attitudes to learning
✓ Promoting leadership, organisation, resilience and initiative
✓ Developing good communication skills
We have a well-developed and effective work experience program for year 10 and year 12 students
Our strengths
We have a careers team who are passionate about delivering an outstanding CEIAG programme.
The PLEDGES programme is now established and compliments many of the transferable workplace skills needed in the workplace.
Our academic mentoring programme enables every student to be well known and 1:1 guidance given regularly.
Each tutor has the responsibility to support their tutees with the career journey. We have numerous strengths in our provision that we are proud of.
Our work experience programme
We have a good database of employers and plan to continue building these networks to ensure students have meaningful, high quality experiences.
As working practices have evolved post Covid, we have enabled a flexible approach and also introduced virtual work experience opportunities for some students.
We view the opportunity for students to have a meaningful experience of the workplace of paramount importance in raising their aspirations and giving them greater insight into what life is like school.
To this end we are proud that we are one of the few schools in the area where we arrange work experience for the whole of our Year 10 over a week during their Summer term and again in Year 12.
This work experience is vital in:
• Students spending an extended period of time in a setting unfamiliar to them
• Students gaining and developing skills such as team working, independence, using their initiative and improving their communication skills
• Helping clarify their choices for their Post 16/18 destinations
External Partners
There are a range of external partners who work with Stratton from across Central Beds, Biggleswade and further into Cambridge and Bedford.
Wilmot Dixon, The University of Bedford, North Herts College, Bedford College Group, ASK apprenticeships, Form the Future, Speakers for Schools, SpringPod and Unifrog are just a few.
The school’s careers strategy identifies that working with external providers is an important aspect of the programme and one which we will continue to strive to expand.
Gatsby Foundation 8 Benchmarks
The Gatsby Foundation was set up to work in areas that the trustees of the foundation are passionate about. One of these is Education and as part of that good careers guidance in schools.
In 2013 the foundation commissioned Sir John Holman, a Professor of Chemistry at the University of York, senior education adviser and former headteacher, with setting out what career guidance in England would be like were it good by international standards. His report identified 8 benchmarks that schools should work towards to improve and deliver high quality CEIAG provision.
The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
- 1. A stable careers programme
- 2. Learning from career and labour market information
- 3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
- 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
- 5. Encounters with employers and employees
- 6. Experiences of workplaces
- 7. Encounters with further and higher education
- 8. Personal guidance
Current analysis against the Gatsby Foundation benchmarks The Gatsby Foundation provide a tool that allows us to see how the provision of CEIAG at Stratton compares against these benchmarks. Over the last few years our progress against meeting the benchmarks has been rapid.

All students have to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they are 18. This does not mean young people must stay in school. They will be able to choose from:
- full-time education (e.g. at a school or college)
- an apprenticeship
- part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
- employment or self-employment for 20 hours or more a week
- volunteering for 20 hours or more a week.
More information on choices and how parents can help their children can be found on the Meridian Career Pathways website.
Measuring Impact
The careers programme at our school is monitored annually and this evaluation includes:
- A review of destination data as an outcome of the careers programme.
- A review of the programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure best practice.
- A review of data from Unifrog that feeds into the Gatsby Benchmarks.
- A review of the Future Skills Questionnaire which students complete each year.
Labour Market Information
A key component of our careers provision is providing information to students on how to look at Labour Market Information (LMI), interpret the data and recognise professions, industries and jobs which are both in demand or in decline. We teach, within our Career’s programme, LMI, and analyse entry routes, salaries, skills and qualifications needed for a variety of roles, jobs and careers.
- Labour Market Information for Central Bedfordshire can be found HERE
- For national LMI trends click on Meridian Career Pathways website HERE
Preparing for Success
As you transition from primary/middle school into secondary school, we are excited to support you on this new journey. At Stratton School, we believe that careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) are crucial for helping you achieve your full potential. We aim to prepare you for the ever-changing job market, ensuring you are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to pursue your dreams.
Our Commitment to Careers Education
We value careers education as a vital part of your overall development. By integrating it into your learning from Year 7, we ensure you have the tools to make informed decisions about your future. Our dedicated team of teachers, advisors, and external partners work together to provide a comprehensive CEIAG program that is engaging, informative, and tailored to your needs.
Year 7: Building Foundations
Focus: Introduction to Careers and Self-Awareness
In Year 7, we focus on introducing you to the world of careers and helping you understand the vast opportunities available. Our activities are designed to spark your curiosity and encourage you to start thinking about your interests and aspirations.
Term 1: Discovering Possibilities
Ø Introduction to Careers: Explore different job roles and sectors.
Ø Introduction to the World of Work: Guest Speaker Series. Meet professionals from various industries who share their career journeys.
Ø Understanding Personal Strengths: Identify your skills and interests.
Term 2: Exploring Pathways
Ø Exploring Different Job Roles: Research project to investigate a career that interests you and present your findings.
Ø Career Quizzes and Games: Interactive activities to match your skills with potential careers.
Ø Skills for the Future: Develop essential workplace skills including teamwork and communication.
Term 3: Setting Goals and Aspirations
Ø Dream Job Presentations: Share your future aspirations with your classmates.
Ø Careers and Enterprise: Explore the journey of our food.
Ø Reflection and Goal-Setting: Set personal and academic goals for the next year.
Year 8: Expanding Horizons
Focus: Understanding the Job Market and Skills Development
In Year 8, we build on the foundations laid in Year 7, deepening your understanding of career pathways, and helping you start planning for the future.
Term 1: Understanding the Job Market
Ø Labour Market Information: Learn about growing industries and job trends.
Ø Career Pathways: Explore different routes to various careers, including apprenticeships and university.
Ø The Importance of Education: Explore how education impacts career opportunities and earning potential.
Term 2: Skills for Success
Ø Subject Choices: Guidance on selecting GCSE subjects.
Ø Developing Employability Skills: Focus on critical skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and adaptability.
Ø Financial Literacy: Basics of managing money and understanding salaries.
Term 3: Planning Ahead
Ø Career Action Plan Development: Create a personalised plan outlining steps to achieve your career goals.
Ø Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Introduction to starting your own business.
Ø Mock Interviews: How to Get Hired
Support and Resources
Throughout your journey, our careers team is here to support you. You can access one-on-one guidance, participate in drop-in sessions, and use Unifrog, a comprehensive careers platform designed to support students in making informed decisions about their future education and career pathways. By integrating detailed information on university courses, apprenticeships, and job opportunities worldwide, Unifrog allows students to compare their options side by side. The platform includes tools for building CVs, writing personal statements, and tracking career aspirations, ensuring that students receive personalised guidance and support.
Looking Ahead
We are committed to helping you navigate the exciting possibilities ahead. By engaging in our comprehensive CEIAG program, you will be well-prepared to make informed decisions, pursue your passions, and thrive in an ever-evolving job market. Welcome to your future at Stratton School – we are excited to see you achieve great things!